
Tips On What To Do If Your Dog Is An Aggressive Chewer

Tips On What To Do If Your Dog Is An Aggressive Chewer

Have you ever come home and realize you’re missing a shoe? Chances are it was your best friend that took it. I’m not talking about your roommate. I am talking about your dog. We love our pups, but sometimes they chew on the wrong things to the point of complete destruction. When it comes to dogs there are two types of chewers, aggressive and non-aggressive. An aggressive chewer is any dog that chews with such energy and enthusiasm that he breaks or swallows the object he’s chewing on.  Non-aggressive chewers tend to chew objects more gently. Chewing is not a...

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Why Every Dog Should Be Tagged

Why Every Dog Should Be Tagged

Dogs are often described as man’s best friend. As owners we believe that our dog sees us the same way. Yes, they are our pets and yes, they are animals, but we treat them like they are family. To take a quote from a popular Disney Movie, ‘family means nobody gets left behind.’ Losing a dog can be devastating. In case of an emergency, you need to be able to find your pet, or for other people to be able to notify you if they find your furry family member. This is why every dog should be tagged first and...

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